Thursday, November 4, 2010

Collecting your ScRaPs

Hey everyone!
As you know, Peacebranch takes antique items and makes them with a new twist to collide antique with modernity.

SO as I search for how to meet you, the customer's, needs I am asking you to donate your old pieces of jewelry/trinkets/ and other small finds to Peacebranch so I can see what you used to like so I can incorporate a new style based off of your needs!

Do you have scraps laying around? Old brooches from your grandma? An old charm bracelet that you no longer wear? A necklace that just fits you awkwardly? Send them my way!

I love digging through peoples "junk" and making them into something beautiful again.

So what do you have to lose? WHy don't you let someone else benefit off of jewelry you don't use anymore?! (Afterall jewelry that's just sitting in a drawer hiding from the world is just TOO sad!)

Feel free to email me at if you have anything to donate and I'll arrange a way to pick the items up for you.

Thank you for your continuous support! I love you guys :D

<3 Peacebranch


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